The Harp Therapy Journal
- Alzheimer's Disease
- Animals and Harp Therapy
- Anxiety
- Autism
- Blindness
- Cancer
- Community / Family Outreach
- Energetic / Spiritual Healing
- Fibromyalgia
- Group Support & Education / Healing Harps
- Hospice / Music Thanatology /Death & Dying / Palliative Care
- Immune Function
- International Endeavors / Crosscultural music
- In Vitro Fertilization
- Lupus
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Music
- Musical Ministries /Meditations
- Mythology / Shamanism / Ancient Traditions and Healers / History
- Neurological Effects / Rehabilitation
- Pain
- Parkinson's Disease
- Pediatric Patients / Newborns
- Professional Development
- Psychological Issues / Mental Illness
- Science /Cymatics/ Theoretical Models of the Benefits of Music
- Self Care
- Surgery /Operating Room/ Cardiac Catheterization
- Synaesthesia
- Therapeutic Tools / Techniques
- Tinnitus / Hyperacusis
- Vibration / Vibrational Therapies / VAT
Alzheimer's Disease
Durham, F., Harping for patients with Alzheimer's and dementia. Su. '15, V. 20-#2, pp. 6-7, 16-17, 20.
Guettres, I., Becoming a harping psychologist. W.’12-13, V.17-#4, pp. 1, 5, 7, 17-18.
Guettres, I., Report of volunteer bedside practice at a nursing home "Les Capucins" in Saint-Brieuc, Brittany, Summer 2011. Su.’12, V.17-#2, pp.12, 15.
Williams, S. Arts and music-making preserve brain functions in the elderly. F. '15, V. 20-#3, p. 5.
Williams, S., Music energizes patients with Alzheimer’s Disease, F. 01, V.6-#3, pp. 4-5, 7.
Williams, S., Novel experiments set tone for promising treatments for Alzheimer's Disease, Su. '13, V. 20#2, pp. 9, 17, 20.
Animals and Harp Therapy
Boone, A. & Quelch, V., Effects of harp music therapy on canine patients in the veterinary hospital setting, Su. 03, V.8-#2, pp.1, 4-5.
Miranda, C., New inspiration for harp therapy in Brazil, Su. '16, V. 21-#2, pp. 1, 5.
Raimond, S., Day at the office, Sp. '16, V. 21-#1, p. 17.
Raimond, S., Life Changing…, F. 08, V.13-#3, p. 4.
Raimond, S., Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!, Su. '16, V. 21-#2, p.13.
Raimond, S., Music to soothe the savage beast, W. 97-98, V.2-#4, pp. 1, 4-5.
Raimond, S., Pet Pause Update, Sp. 02, V.7-#1, pp.7, 11.
Schroen, L., How harp therapy can be used for animals - a report from Vimukti Warr's webinar, F. '23, V.28-#3, p. 17.
Tacheny, T., Playing healing harp for horses, Sp. ’09, V.14#1, pp. 1, 7, 17.
Williams, S., An interview with Susan Raimond, F. 01, V.6-#3, pp. 6-7.
Boone, A. & Quelch, V., Effects of harp music therapy on canine patients in the veterinary hospital setting, Su. 03, V.8-#2, pp.1, 4-5.
Miranda, C., New inspiration for harp therapy in Brazil, Su. '16, V. 21-#2, pp. 1, 5.
Raimond, S., Day at the office, Sp. '16, V. 21-#1, p. 17.
Raimond, S., Life Changing…, F. 08, V.13-#3, p. 4.
Raimond, S., Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!, Su. '16, V. 21-#2, p.13.
Raimond, S., Music to soothe the savage beast, W. 97-98, V.2-#4, pp. 1, 4-5.
Raimond, S., Pet Pause Update, Sp. 02, V.7-#1, pp.7, 11.
Schroen, L., How harp therapy can be used for animals - a report from Vimukti Warr's webinar, F. '23, V.28-#3, p. 17.
Tacheny, T., Playing healing harp for horses, Sp. ’09, V.14#1, pp. 1, 7, 17.
Williams, S., An interview with Susan Raimond, F. 01, V.6-#3, pp. 6-7.
Briggs, T., Live harp music reduces anxiety of patients hospitalized with cancer, W. 03, V.8-#4, pp. 1,4, 15.
Emerson, H., Therapeutic music research - the beginning of a dialogue between art and science, W. 10-11. V. 15-#4, p. 1, 5, 13.
Lounsbury, M., The effects of harp music at Porter Adventist Hospital Cancer Care Center, Denver, Colorado, F. 02, V.7-#3, pp. 4-5, 12.
Marie, L. Anxiety and VAHT. W.'15-16, V.20-#4, pp., 10-11, 14.
Murphy, E., Nichols, J.. Somkuti, S., Sobel, M., Schinfeld, J., Galante, G., Barmat, L., Randomized trial of harp therapy in in vitro fertilization - embryo transfer study is completed, W. '11-12, V.16-#4, pp. 1, 10.
Tourin, T., The effects of harp therapy at San Diego Hospice and other health-care facilities, F. '00, V.5-#3, pp. 13-14.
Williams, S., Study explores benefits of live music during in vitro fertilization, Sp. 08, V.13-#1, p. 13, 15.
Williams, S., Study shows live harp music decreases pain and anxiety in postoperative patients, W. ’02, V.7-#4, p.1.
Briggs, T., Live harp music reduces anxiety of patients hospitalized with cancer, W. 03, V.8-#4, pp. 1,4, 15.
Emerson, H., Therapeutic music research - the beginning of a dialogue between art and science, W. 10-11. V. 15-#4, p. 1, 5, 13.
Lounsbury, M., The effects of harp music at Porter Adventist Hospital Cancer Care Center, Denver, Colorado, F. 02, V.7-#3, pp. 4-5, 12.
Marie, L. Anxiety and VAHT. W.'15-16, V.20-#4, pp., 10-11, 14.
Murphy, E., Nichols, J.. Somkuti, S., Sobel, M., Schinfeld, J., Galante, G., Barmat, L., Randomized trial of harp therapy in in vitro fertilization - embryo transfer study is completed, W. '11-12, V.16-#4, pp. 1, 10.
Tourin, T., The effects of harp therapy at San Diego Hospice and other health-care facilities, F. '00, V.5-#3, pp. 13-14.
Williams, S., Study explores benefits of live music during in vitro fertilization, Sp. 08, V.13-#1, p. 13, 15.
Williams, S., Study shows live harp music decreases pain and anxiety in postoperative patients, W. ’02, V.7-#4, p.1.
Marie, L., A child's musical journey - from chrysalis to a beautiful butterfly, Su. '10, V.15-#3, p. 13, 16, 18-20.
Marie, L., Therapeutic harp reaches neurologically challenged children in Canada, Su. 05, V.10-#2,
p. 8.
Marie, L., How I came to the harp - Sometimes it takes a rocky road to get to where we need to be, Su.'14, V.19#2, pp, 10, 16,
Williams, S., Healing Harp and Restorative Drumming pilot project benefits Canadian children with autism, F. '14, V.19#3, pp. 16-18.
Marie, L., A child's musical journey - from chrysalis to a beautiful butterfly, Su. '10, V.15-#3, p. 13, 16, 18-20.
Marie, L., Therapeutic harp reaches neurologically challenged children in Canada, Su. 05, V.10-#2,
p. 8.
Marie, L., How I came to the harp - Sometimes it takes a rocky road to get to where we need to be, Su.'14, V.19#2, pp, 10, 16,
Williams, S., Healing Harp and Restorative Drumming pilot project benefits Canadian children with autism, F. '14, V.19#3, pp. 16-18.
Mell, J., From A Teacher's Perspective, W. 96, V.1-#4, p.4.
Politi, C., Hearing through their fingers, F.’11, V.16-#3, pp. 1, 20.
Riley, L., Thoughts on harping with a disability, F.’11, V.16-#3, pp. 12, 15.
Williams, S., Blind Harp Students Have Special Needs, W. 96, V.1-#4, p. 4.
Williams, S., David Francis – the blind harpist of Meirionnydd, Sp. 02, V.7-#1, p.12.
Williams, S., Music for the Pharaohs, W. 96, V.1-#4, p.12.
Williams, S., Rules of Courtesy to Blind and Visually Impaired Persons, W. 96, V.1-#4, p. 5.
Mell, J., From A Teacher's Perspective, W. 96, V.1-#4, p.4.
Politi, C., Hearing through their fingers, F.’11, V.16-#3, pp. 1, 20.
Riley, L., Thoughts on harping with a disability, F.’11, V.16-#3, pp. 12, 15.
Williams, S., Blind Harp Students Have Special Needs, W. 96, V.1-#4, p. 4.
Williams, S., David Francis – the blind harpist of Meirionnydd, Sp. 02, V.7-#1, p.12.
Williams, S., Music for the Pharaohs, W. 96, V.1-#4, p.12.
Williams, S., Rules of Courtesy to Blind and Visually Impaired Persons, W. 96, V.1-#4, p. 5.
Briggs, T., Live harp music reduces anxiety of patients hospitalized with cancer, W. 03, V.8-#4, pp. 1,4, 15.
Camie, A., A gift of music...for myself, F.’11, V.16-#3, pp. 8-9, 15.
Camie, A., Awakening and sharing gifts, Su. 06, V.11-#2, pp. 12-13.
Camie, A., Update on development of a clinical research study, F. 07, V.12-#3, pp. 5-6.
Dallas-Feeney, S., The healing harp, F. '99, V.4-#3, p. 4.
Edelson, L., Compassionate Harps - A new therapeutic harp service available in Southern California, F. 01, V.6-#3, pp. 1, 12.
Edelson, L., Compassionate Harps comes full circle – announcing a new direction and story of hope – HealthCare harps Institute, LLC, F. 07, V.12-#3, pp. 12, 14, 18.
Guettres, I. Sound effects upon the living, Part 1: Fabien Maman's works on sound effects on cancer cells. F. '16, V. 21-#3, pp. 10-11, 15, 18.
Lounsbury, M., Hospital hospitality with harp, Su. '16, V. 21-#2, pp.12-13.
Lynne, L., Harps for Hearts at City of Hope, F. 03, V.8-#3, pp.1, 5.
Sweeney, D. & Obermeyer, J., Reflections of a patient and the harpists who played fro her, Su, '17, Vol. 22-#2, pp. 1, 5, 9-10.
Williams, S., CNN IReports: The harpist. F. '13, V. 18- #3, pp. 16, 20.
Williams, S, Effect of specific music on psychoneuroimmunological responses - Exciting new research by Abdul Waheed, David Kossor, William Collins and Amy Camie, Su. '19, V. 24-#2, pp. 1, 5.
Williams, S., Lynette Edelson, CHTP, receives award for excellence in cancer pain management, W. 06-07, V.11-#4, p. 3.
Williams, S., VAHT demonstration lightens the load for a cancer survivor. W.’12-13, V.17-#4, pp. 11-12.
Wright, P. Soothing cancer with my harp. Su. '13, V. 18- #2, p. 10.
Briggs, T., Live harp music reduces anxiety of patients hospitalized with cancer, W. 03, V.8-#4, pp. 1,4, 15.
Camie, A., A gift of music...for myself, F.’11, V.16-#3, pp. 8-9, 15.
Camie, A., Awakening and sharing gifts, Su. 06, V.11-#2, pp. 12-13.
Camie, A., Update on development of a clinical research study, F. 07, V.12-#3, pp. 5-6.
Dallas-Feeney, S., The healing harp, F. '99, V.4-#3, p. 4.
Edelson, L., Compassionate Harps - A new therapeutic harp service available in Southern California, F. 01, V.6-#3, pp. 1, 12.
Edelson, L., Compassionate Harps comes full circle – announcing a new direction and story of hope – HealthCare harps Institute, LLC, F. 07, V.12-#3, pp. 12, 14, 18.
Guettres, I. Sound effects upon the living, Part 1: Fabien Maman's works on sound effects on cancer cells. F. '16, V. 21-#3, pp. 10-11, 15, 18.
Lounsbury, M., Hospital hospitality with harp, Su. '16, V. 21-#2, pp.12-13.
Lynne, L., Harps for Hearts at City of Hope, F. 03, V.8-#3, pp.1, 5.
Sweeney, D. & Obermeyer, J., Reflections of a patient and the harpists who played fro her, Su, '17, Vol. 22-#2, pp. 1, 5, 9-10.
Williams, S., CNN IReports: The harpist. F. '13, V. 18- #3, pp. 16, 20.
Williams, S, Effect of specific music on psychoneuroimmunological responses - Exciting new research by Abdul Waheed, David Kossor, William Collins and Amy Camie, Su. '19, V. 24-#2, pp. 1, 5.
Williams, S., Lynette Edelson, CHTP, receives award for excellence in cancer pain management, W. 06-07, V.11-#4, p. 3.
Williams, S., VAHT demonstration lightens the load for a cancer survivor. W.’12-13, V.17-#4, pp. 11-12.
Wright, P. Soothing cancer with my harp. Su. '13, V. 18- #2, p. 10.
Community / Family Outreach
Anderson, N., Harp and Yoga: Reaching new depths in integrative holistic wellness practices, Su. '19, V. 24-#2, pp. 14-15.
Atkins-Pope, C., Building a healthy community through the arts, Su. 02, V.7-#2, pp.8, 11-12.
Atkins-Pope, C., Music for Infirm Program serves community, Sp. '00, V.5-#1, pp.1, 3, 5, 9-10.
Benson, S., Therapeutic harp music refreshed visitors at Health Expo in Seattle, Su. 99, V.4-#2, pp. 7, 11.
Bloom, L. The impact of live therapeutic music on healthcare workers, Su. '22, V. 27-#2, pp. 1, 7, 15.
Brockow, H., Adult Education group shares music, wisdom and tears through the magic of the harp, Sp. '19, V. 24-#1, pp. 1, 7, 15, 17.
Brockow, H., Therapeutic harp as an accompaniment to hatha yoga: Two paths to the heart. Sp. '16, V. 21-#1, pp. 1, 5, 18, 20.
Elkan, E., Harp therapy in Geriatric E.D.: Bridging science and art, Su. '14, V.19#2,
pp. 17-18, 20.
Gilliland, C., Harps replace violence in Oregon, F. '98, V.3-#3, p.1.
Goodrich, J., Taking the harp into the classroom, F.'15, V.20-#3, pp. 1, 5, 7, 20.
Hepburn, I., Expectations determine outcomes - A lesson in achieving behavioral goals with the harp, Sp. '19, V. 24-#1, pp. 10-11.
Hepburn, I., Healing Harp and Restorative Drumming - A pilot project at Grenville Elementary School., W. '16-17, V. 21-#4, pp. 14-15, 17
Hepburn, I., The Two-Minute Mindfulness Bell, F. '20, V. 25-#3, pp. 13-14.
Kanner, A., Healing in New York, Sp. 02, V.7-#1, p.4.
Kleiman, N., The role of the harp in the hospitals that responded to the Boston Marathon bombings. F. '13, V. 18- #3, p. 9.
Lozier, J., Harping for Harmony, Su. '97; V.2-#2, p.9.
Martin, J. & Redher, J., Tornadoes, mudslides, floods and fires: Two stories of providing therapeutic music for survivors.W' 18-19. V. 23-#4, pp. 1, 3, 5, 12, 15, 20.
Mckee, S., Gentle musings: Assessing effects of live harp music upon patients, family and friends, and staff at Massachusetts General Hospital’s Cancer Center, F. 04; V.9-#3, pp. 1, 4-6, 12-13, 15.
Penkett, R., Integration of therapeutic harp and yoga practice., W. '15-16, V. 20-#4, pp. 6-7, 9, 14.
Schmader, B., Exploring the unsung benefits of therapeutic music on medical staff, Sp. ’11, V.16-#1, pp. 17, 19.
Spruiell, G., Notes from New York, Sp. 02, V.7-#1, p.6.
Stoltz, B., Food for the soul - live harp music uplifts recipients in emergency shelters.Su.’11, V.16-#2, p. 12.
Weaver, J., A Harp For Every Classroom, Su. '97, V.2-#2, p.4-5.
Williams, S., Harpists provide relief for Alabama tornado survivors, Su.’11, V.16-#2, pp. 18-19.
Williams, S., Renowned Welsh harpist provides musical relief for patients and troops, Su. 06, V.11-#2, pp. 1, 4.
Energetic / Spiritual Healing
Jones, M., Love in Music: A Potent Healer, F. '96, V.1-#3, pp. 8-9.
Marie. L., Is distance harp therapy a possibility?, W. ’20-21, V. 25-#4, p. 7.
Marie. L., What is healing?, Sp. '20, V. 25-#1, p. 5.
Perret, D., The harp in distant healing, F. '20, V. 25-#3, pp. 6-7, 12.
Tourin, T., IHTP to be featured at ISSSEEM conference, Sp. '00, V.5-#1, p. 5.
Williams, S., An interview with Dannion Brinkley, Sp. 08, V.13-#2, p. 7, 16-18.
Williams, S., An Interview with Dr. Valerie Hunt - Music permeates vibrational patterns of human energy fields, F. 97, V2-#3, pp.6-7.
Williams, S., An interview with Elizabeth Chen Christenson, M.D., Su. 01, V.6-#2, pp. 6-7, 11.
Williams, S., An interview with Fabien Maman, Su. '98, V.3-#2, pp. 6-7.
Williams, S., An interview with John Stuart Reid, F. 08, V.13-#3, p. 6-7, 9-11, 17.
Williams, S., An interview with Konstantin Korotkov, Ph.D. – Part I, Sp. ’10, V.15-#1, pp. 7, 10-11, 15, 20.
Williams, S., An interview with Konstantin Korotkov, Ph.D. – Part II, Su. ’10, V.15-#2, pp. 8-11.
Williams, S., An interview with Konstantin Korotkov, Ph.D. – Part III, F. ’10, V.15-#3, pp. 8-11, 13-17, 19-20.
Williams, S., An interview with medical intuitive Sarah Weiss, MA, LMT, W. 06-07, V.11-#4, pp. 8-9, 11, 16.
Williams, S., An interview with William A. Tilller, F. 03, V.8-#3, pp.6-7.
Williams, S., Answers from the Quantum Field, F. ’09, V.14#3, pp. 6, 17.
Williams, S., Environmental Harmony, F. 03, V.8-#3, pp.9, 15.
Williams, S., Flower Power - Frequencies of floral essences aid in emotional healing, Sp. '15, V.20#1, pp. 14-17.
Williams, S., Harpist Joel Andrews Seeks to Dissolve Barriers Between Performer, Audience and Higher Forces, S. '96, V.1-#2, pp.6-7, 9.
Williams, S., Music for the mystics, W. 01, V.6-#4, pp. 8-9.
Williams, S., Pow Wow, sympathetic medicine and energetic healing - the alchemy of intention, W.’12-13, V.17-#4, pp. 8-10, 14-16.
Williams, S., Random number generator demonstration suggests harp music plus intention influences sacred space, Su. ’09, V.14#2, pp. 8, 10, 15.
Wienand, M., The instrument of angels: Easing souls from this life to the next, W. 97-98, V.2- #4, pp. 8-9, 12.
Williams, S., The Harp Links Worlds of Spirit and Matter, F. '96, V.1-#3, pp. 6-7.
Williams, T. An interview with Tom Kenyon, W. 02, V.7-#4, pp.4-5, 16.
Williams, S., Viewing the human biofield - An interview with Thornton Streeter, D.Sc., F. '16, V. 21-#3, pp. 6-7, 9.
Williams, S., Walking the "Beauty Path" of Cherokee wisdom - teachings of Dhyani Ywahoo,
Su.’11, V.16-#2, pp. 14-17.
Winn, T., Anthroposophy, music and the lyre in Waldorf education, F. ’09, V.14#3, pp. 1, 5, 11, 13, 15, 19.
Winn, T., Play it by heart, W. ’09-10, V.14-#4, pp. 1, 8,-9, 13, 17, 19.
Jones, M., Love in Music: A Potent Healer, F. '96, V.1-#3, pp. 8-9.
Marie. L., Is distance harp therapy a possibility?, W. ’20-21, V. 25-#4, p. 7.
Marie. L., What is healing?, Sp. '20, V. 25-#1, p. 5.
Perret, D., The harp in distant healing, F. '20, V. 25-#3, pp. 6-7, 12.
Tourin, T., IHTP to be featured at ISSSEEM conference, Sp. '00, V.5-#1, p. 5.
Williams, S., An interview with Dannion Brinkley, Sp. 08, V.13-#2, p. 7, 16-18.
Williams, S., An Interview with Dr. Valerie Hunt - Music permeates vibrational patterns of human energy fields, F. 97, V2-#3, pp.6-7.
Williams, S., An interview with Elizabeth Chen Christenson, M.D., Su. 01, V.6-#2, pp. 6-7, 11.
Williams, S., An interview with Fabien Maman, Su. '98, V.3-#2, pp. 6-7.
Williams, S., An interview with John Stuart Reid, F. 08, V.13-#3, p. 6-7, 9-11, 17.
Williams, S., An interview with Konstantin Korotkov, Ph.D. – Part I, Sp. ’10, V.15-#1, pp. 7, 10-11, 15, 20.
Williams, S., An interview with Konstantin Korotkov, Ph.D. – Part II, Su. ’10, V.15-#2, pp. 8-11.
Williams, S., An interview with Konstantin Korotkov, Ph.D. – Part III, F. ’10, V.15-#3, pp. 8-11, 13-17, 19-20.
Williams, S., An interview with medical intuitive Sarah Weiss, MA, LMT, W. 06-07, V.11-#4, pp. 8-9, 11, 16.
Williams, S., An interview with William A. Tilller, F. 03, V.8-#3, pp.6-7.
Williams, S., Answers from the Quantum Field, F. ’09, V.14#3, pp. 6, 17.
Williams, S., Environmental Harmony, F. 03, V.8-#3, pp.9, 15.
Williams, S., Flower Power - Frequencies of floral essences aid in emotional healing, Sp. '15, V.20#1, pp. 14-17.
Williams, S., Harpist Joel Andrews Seeks to Dissolve Barriers Between Performer, Audience and Higher Forces, S. '96, V.1-#2, pp.6-7, 9.
Williams, S., Music for the mystics, W. 01, V.6-#4, pp. 8-9.
Williams, S., Pow Wow, sympathetic medicine and energetic healing - the alchemy of intention, W.’12-13, V.17-#4, pp. 8-10, 14-16.
Williams, S., Random number generator demonstration suggests harp music plus intention influences sacred space, Su. ’09, V.14#2, pp. 8, 10, 15.
Wienand, M., The instrument of angels: Easing souls from this life to the next, W. 97-98, V.2- #4, pp. 8-9, 12.
Williams, S., The Harp Links Worlds of Spirit and Matter, F. '96, V.1-#3, pp. 6-7.
Williams, T. An interview with Tom Kenyon, W. 02, V.7-#4, pp.4-5, 16.
Williams, S., Viewing the human biofield - An interview with Thornton Streeter, D.Sc., F. '16, V. 21-#3, pp. 6-7, 9.
Williams, S., Walking the "Beauty Path" of Cherokee wisdom - teachings of Dhyani Ywahoo,
Su.’11, V.16-#2, pp. 14-17.
Winn, T., Anthroposophy, music and the lyre in Waldorf education, F. ’09, V.14#3, pp. 1, 5, 11, 13, 15, 19.
Winn, T., Play it by heart, W. ’09-10, V.14-#4, pp. 1, 8,-9, 13, 17, 19.
Hepburn, I., Pilot study - the effects of VAHT on fibromyalgia, F. 08, Vol. 13, No. 3, p.16.
Hepburn, I., VAHT pilot study - one year later, Sp '09, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 19-20.
Williams, S., Fibromyalgia revisited, Su. '10, Vol.15, No. 2, pp.5, 7, 18.
Group Support & Education / Healing Harps
Brockow, H., Adult education group shares music, wisdom and tears through the magic of the harp, Sp. '19, V. 24-#1, pp. 1, 7, 15, 17.
Ediger, L., Healing Harps in a scholastic setting, Sp. 98, V.3-#1, pp.1, 4-5, 9, 11-12.
Ediger, L., Illumination and Light, Healing Harps in the Richmond Public Schools, Spr. '96, V.1 -#1, pp. 5, 7,9.
Ediger, L., Live Harp Music Increases Agitation, Increases Attention Span, W. 96, V.1-#4, p.9.
Hepburn, I., Healing Harp and Restorative Drumming - A pilot project at Grenville Elementary School., W. '16-17, V. 21-#4, pp. 14-15, 17
Libby, C. & Hellman, D., Empathy as an outcome of learning harp therapy, F. '10, V.15-#3, p. 1, 5-7.
Ross, B., Harps by Hearts – a harp circle for patients with breast cancer, Su. ’09, V. 14#2, pp. 1, 5.
Brockow, H., Adult education group shares music, wisdom and tears through the magic of the harp, Sp. '19, V. 24-#1, pp. 1, 7, 15, 17.
Ediger, L., Healing Harps in a scholastic setting, Sp. 98, V.3-#1, pp.1, 4-5, 9, 11-12.
Ediger, L., Illumination and Light, Healing Harps in the Richmond Public Schools, Spr. '96, V.1 -#1, pp. 5, 7,9.
Ediger, L., Live Harp Music Increases Agitation, Increases Attention Span, W. 96, V.1-#4, p.9.
Hepburn, I., Healing Harp and Restorative Drumming - A pilot project at Grenville Elementary School., W. '16-17, V. 21-#4, pp. 14-15, 17
Libby, C. & Hellman, D., Empathy as an outcome of learning harp therapy, F. '10, V.15-#3, p. 1, 5-7.
Ross, B., Harps by Hearts – a harp circle for patients with breast cancer, Su. ’09, V. 14#2, pp. 1, 5.
Hospice / Music Thanatology /Death & Dying / Palliative Care
Brockow, H., Dying with dignity - Therapeutic harp music ushers a medically-assisted death. W. '16-17, V. 21-#4, pp. 1, 5, 7.
Dowding, A. & Cotruvo, C., After the patient dies..., Su. '14, V.19#2, pp. 14-15.
Gross, D., Good Endings, Su. 02, V.7-#2, p.5.
Harriss, S., Music thanatologists unite. Su. 03, V.8-#4, p.5.
Peck, M., An interview with Therese Schroeder-Sheker, Sp. ’09, V.14#1, pp. 10-11, 15-17.
Schley, M., Sigourney speaks, Su.'17, V. 22-#2, pp. 11, 20.
Tourin, T., The Harp Creates Peace at Time of Death, F. '96, V.1 -#3, p.10.
Wienand, M., The instrument of angels: Easing souls from this life to the next, W. 97-98, V.2- #4, pp. 8-9, 12.
Williams, S., An interview with Dannion Brinkley, Sp. 08, V.13-#2, p. 7, 16-18.
Williams, S., Therapeutic music – an adjunct for patients receiving palliative care, W. 04, V.9-#4, p. 13, 16.
Brockow, H., Dying with dignity - Therapeutic harp music ushers a medically-assisted death. W. '16-17, V. 21-#4, pp. 1, 5, 7.
Dowding, A. & Cotruvo, C., After the patient dies..., Su. '14, V.19#2, pp. 14-15.
Gross, D., Good Endings, Su. 02, V.7-#2, p.5.
Harriss, S., Music thanatologists unite. Su. 03, V.8-#4, p.5.
Peck, M., An interview with Therese Schroeder-Sheker, Sp. ’09, V.14#1, pp. 10-11, 15-17.
Schley, M., Sigourney speaks, Su.'17, V. 22-#2, pp. 11, 20.
Tourin, T., The Harp Creates Peace at Time of Death, F. '96, V.1 -#3, p.10.
Wienand, M., The instrument of angels: Easing souls from this life to the next, W. 97-98, V.2- #4, pp. 8-9, 12.
Williams, S., An interview with Dannion Brinkley, Sp. 08, V.13-#2, p. 7, 16-18.
Williams, S., Therapeutic music – an adjunct for patients receiving palliative care, W. 04, V.9-#4, p. 13, 16.
Immune Function
Charnetski, C., Brennan, F., Harrison, J., Muzak boosts immune system, F.'97, V.2.#3, pp. 1, 8.
Woods, A., Waking or Sleeping, Sound Affects Our Immune Systems, Spr. '96, V.1-#1, p. 8.
Williams, S., Effect of specific music on psychoneuroimmunological responses - Exciting new research by Abdul Waheed, David Kossor, William Collins and Amy Camie, Su. '19, V. 24-#2, pp. 1, 5.
Charnetski, C., Brennan, F., Harrison, J., Muzak boosts immune system, F.'97, V.2.#3, pp. 1, 8.
Woods, A., Waking or Sleeping, Sound Affects Our Immune Systems, Spr. '96, V.1-#1, p. 8.
Williams, S., Effect of specific music on psychoneuroimmunological responses - Exciting new research by Abdul Waheed, David Kossor, William Collins and Amy Camie, Su. '19, V. 24-#2, pp. 1, 5.
International Endeavors / Crosscultural music
Akbulut, S., Discovering the power of healing harp music in istanbul, Turkey, Sp. '18, V. 23-#1, p. 1, 18.
Benson, S., Australian symposium bridges music and medicine, Sp. 08, V.13-#1, p. 1, 4, 9.
Brown, J., Encouragement from Canada, W. 98, V.3-#4, pp. 1, 9.
Tokoro, R., Healing Harp of Japan, W. ’05-’06, V.10-#4, pp. 8, 9, 13, 14.
Charles, R. & Leschied, A., Canadians create a new harp organization, F.’11, V.16-#3, pp. 5, 17, 20.
Cook, P., Crosscultural music in healing, F. 98, V.3-#3, pp. 4-5.
Diamond, C. & Hepburn, I., Vibroacoustic Harp Therapy demonstrated at Canadian Hospital, W. ’05-’06, V.10-#4, p. 15.
Diaz, G.C., A Small Harp Accompanies "Dance of the little rattlers," Su. 97, V.2-#2, pp. 6-7.
Ediger-Kordzaia, L., Interview with Countess Media Kordzaia, Sp. 00, V.5-#1, pp. 6-7.
Eye, N., Musica Humana & MusiCure – exploring a new music and sound environment in hospitals, F. 04, V.9-#3, pp. 11, 14, 16.
Goldstein, L. A Jewish perspective on healing, W. '14-15, V.19#4, pp. 5, 7.
Gomez, M., Jose Roman De La Cruz - Tenek harpist, instrument builder, composer and shaman, Su. 97, V.2-#2, pp. 1, 5, 8.
Guettres, I., Report of volunteer bedside practice at a nursing home "Les Capucins" in Saint- Brieuc, Brittany, Summer 2011. Su.’12, V.17-#2, pp.12, 15.
Isham, A., LLL - Life Long Learning Therapeutic Musician Group - A worldwide support group for therapeutic musicians. F. '13, V. 18- #3, p. 11, 18.
Martinello-Gedlicka, M., Harp therapy offered in Vienna, Austria, Sp. 14, V. 19#1, pp. 1, 11.
Middleton, C., ATHA update, Sp. '19, V. 24-#1, p. 18.
Middleton, C., New Australian Therapeutic Harpists Assoc. formed, W'18-19, V. 23-#4, p. 10.
Middleton, C., Rising from the ashes – Australian harpists survive devastating infernos and COVID-19, W. ’20-21, V. 25-#4, pp. 1, 5-6.
Miranda, C., New inspiration for harp therapy in Brazil, Su. '16, V. 21-#2, pp. 1, 5.
Rogoff, J., Some reflections on healing music in Jerusalem, Sp. ’09, V.14#1, p 5.
Rogoff, J., Something to Celebrate, Sp.’11, V.16-#1, p. 6.
Stanelsow, S., Live harp music lulls newborns and slows heart rates, Sp. 06, V.11-#1, pp.14-16.
Staneslow, S., Nevel Appears in Jerusalem, W. ’05-’06, V.10-#4, pp. 1, 4, 5, 9.
Tokoro, R., Healing Harp of Japan, W. ’05-’06, V.10-#4, pp. 8, 9, 13, 14.
Tourin, T., IHTP continues international outreach, Su. 08, V.13-#2, p. 19.
Tourin, T., IHTP outreach continues, Su. 07, V.12-#2, p. 20.
Tourin, C., The Summer of 2005 – The Tipping point has begun, F. ’05, V.10-#3, pp. 1, 4, 5, 8.
Ware, A., The Canberra Hospital - leading the way in therapeutic harp in Australia with a new Intern Program, F. 14, V.19#3, pp. 1, 20.
Ware, A., Intern program at Canberra Hospital update, Sp.'19, V. 24-#1, 17-18., 20.
Watson, M., Bringing your harp with you - My trip to Tanzania, Su. 14, V. 19-#2, pp. 1, 13.
Whiteley, C., Inaugural Music in Medicine conference held in Geelong, Victoria, Australia. F. '13, V. 18- #3, pp. 1, 5-6.
Williams, S., “Healing Musician” book now available in Japanese, W. 07-08, V.12-#4, pp. 3.
Williams, S., In search of harp-healers of the Andes, Su. 98, V.3-#2, pp.1, 10, 12.
Williams, S., Japan’s “Healing Harp” expands activities, W. 07-08, V.12-#4, p. 3.
Williams, S., Renowned Welsh harpist provides musical relief for patients and troops, Su. 06, V.11-#2, pp. 1, 4.
Akbulut, S., Discovering the power of healing harp music in istanbul, Turkey, Sp. '18, V. 23-#1, p. 1, 18.
Benson, S., Australian symposium bridges music and medicine, Sp. 08, V.13-#1, p. 1, 4, 9.
Brown, J., Encouragement from Canada, W. 98, V.3-#4, pp. 1, 9.
Tokoro, R., Healing Harp of Japan, W. ’05-’06, V.10-#4, pp. 8, 9, 13, 14.
Charles, R. & Leschied, A., Canadians create a new harp organization, F.’11, V.16-#3, pp. 5, 17, 20.
Cook, P., Crosscultural music in healing, F. 98, V.3-#3, pp. 4-5.
Diamond, C. & Hepburn, I., Vibroacoustic Harp Therapy demonstrated at Canadian Hospital, W. ’05-’06, V.10-#4, p. 15.
Diaz, G.C., A Small Harp Accompanies "Dance of the little rattlers," Su. 97, V.2-#2, pp. 6-7.
Ediger-Kordzaia, L., Interview with Countess Media Kordzaia, Sp. 00, V.5-#1, pp. 6-7.
Eye, N., Musica Humana & MusiCure – exploring a new music and sound environment in hospitals, F. 04, V.9-#3, pp. 11, 14, 16.
Goldstein, L. A Jewish perspective on healing, W. '14-15, V.19#4, pp. 5, 7.
Gomez, M., Jose Roman De La Cruz - Tenek harpist, instrument builder, composer and shaman, Su. 97, V.2-#2, pp. 1, 5, 8.
Guettres, I., Report of volunteer bedside practice at a nursing home "Les Capucins" in Saint- Brieuc, Brittany, Summer 2011. Su.’12, V.17-#2, pp.12, 15.
Isham, A., LLL - Life Long Learning Therapeutic Musician Group - A worldwide support group for therapeutic musicians. F. '13, V. 18- #3, p. 11, 18.
Martinello-Gedlicka, M., Harp therapy offered in Vienna, Austria, Sp. 14, V. 19#1, pp. 1, 11.
Middleton, C., ATHA update, Sp. '19, V. 24-#1, p. 18.
Middleton, C., New Australian Therapeutic Harpists Assoc. formed, W'18-19, V. 23-#4, p. 10.
Middleton, C., Rising from the ashes – Australian harpists survive devastating infernos and COVID-19, W. ’20-21, V. 25-#4, pp. 1, 5-6.
Miranda, C., New inspiration for harp therapy in Brazil, Su. '16, V. 21-#2, pp. 1, 5.
Rogoff, J., Some reflections on healing music in Jerusalem, Sp. ’09, V.14#1, p 5.
Rogoff, J., Something to Celebrate, Sp.’11, V.16-#1, p. 6.
Stanelsow, S., Live harp music lulls newborns and slows heart rates, Sp. 06, V.11-#1, pp.14-16.
Staneslow, S., Nevel Appears in Jerusalem, W. ’05-’06, V.10-#4, pp. 1, 4, 5, 9.
Tokoro, R., Healing Harp of Japan, W. ’05-’06, V.10-#4, pp. 8, 9, 13, 14.
Tourin, T., IHTP continues international outreach, Su. 08, V.13-#2, p. 19.
Tourin, T., IHTP outreach continues, Su. 07, V.12-#2, p. 20.
Tourin, C., The Summer of 2005 – The Tipping point has begun, F. ’05, V.10-#3, pp. 1, 4, 5, 8.
Ware, A., The Canberra Hospital - leading the way in therapeutic harp in Australia with a new Intern Program, F. 14, V.19#3, pp. 1, 20.
Ware, A., Intern program at Canberra Hospital update, Sp.'19, V. 24-#1, 17-18., 20.
Watson, M., Bringing your harp with you - My trip to Tanzania, Su. 14, V. 19-#2, pp. 1, 13.
Whiteley, C., Inaugural Music in Medicine conference held in Geelong, Victoria, Australia. F. '13, V. 18- #3, pp. 1, 5-6.
Williams, S., “Healing Musician” book now available in Japanese, W. 07-08, V.12-#4, pp. 3.
Williams, S., In search of harp-healers of the Andes, Su. 98, V.3-#2, pp.1, 10, 12.
Williams, S., Japan’s “Healing Harp” expands activities, W. 07-08, V.12-#4, p. 3.
Williams, S., Renowned Welsh harpist provides musical relief for patients and troops, Su. 06, V.11-#2, pp. 1, 4.
In Vitro Fertilization
Murphy, E., Nichols, J.. Somkuti, S., Sobel, M., Schinfeld, J., Galante, G., Barmat, L., Randomized trial of harp therapy in in vitro fertilization - embryo transfer study is completed, W. '11-12, V.16-#4, pp. 1, 10.
Williams, S., HY-IVF-ET study may open doors for therapeutic harpists, W.’11-12, V.16-#4, pp. 1, 12.
Williams, S., Study explores benefits of live music during in vitro fertilization, Sp. 08, V.13-#1, p. 13, 15.
Murphy, E., Nichols, J.. Somkuti, S., Sobel, M., Schinfeld, J., Galante, G., Barmat, L., Randomized trial of harp therapy in in vitro fertilization - embryo transfer study is completed, W. '11-12, V.16-#4, pp. 1, 10.
Williams, S., HY-IVF-ET study may open doors for therapeutic harpists, W.’11-12, V.16-#4, pp. 1, 12.
Williams, S., Study explores benefits of live music during in vitro fertilization, Sp. 08, V.13-#1, p. 13, 15.
Bock, K., Harp music eases pain from lupus, Sp. '99, V.4-#1, p. 4.
Galante, G., Teaching a harp student challenged with lupus, Sp. '99, V.4-#1, p.5.
Bock, K., Harp music eases pain from lupus, Sp. '99, V.4-#1, p. 4.
Galante, G., Teaching a harp student challenged with lupus, Sp. '99, V.4-#1, p.5.
Multiple Sclerosis
Hepburn, I., A VAHT journey into MS. Su.’12, V.17-#2, pp.10, 14, 20.
Williams, S., Healing Harps Improves Quality of Life for Women with MS, F.'96, V.1-#3, pp 4,9.
Williams, S., Multiple Sclerosis: An Unpredictable Disease, F. 96, V.1-#3, p. 4.
Hepburn, I., A VAHT journey into MS. Su.’12, V.17-#2, pp.10, 14, 20.
Williams, S., Healing Harps Improves Quality of Life for Women with MS, F.'96, V.1-#3, pp 4,9.
Williams, S., Multiple Sclerosis: An Unpredictable Disease, F. 96, V.1-#3, p. 4.
Cox, Bowen Cox, B., Half Moon Sky (music), Sp. '21, V. 26-#1, pp. 8-9.
Genco, T. (arr.), Longing for Motherly Love (trad. Turkish Lullaby). W. '17-18, V.22#4, p. 11.
Haleluya (music attributed to Kind David: Psalm 150, 5-6) (Rogoff, J). F.’11, V.16-#3, p. 11.
Hepburn, I., Musicofractal Example. Su.’12, V.17-#2, p.15.
Mak, D., Spring Flow (music), W.'22-23, V. 27-#4, pp. 10-11.
Maua Mazuri (music) (trad. Swahili). Su. '14, V. 19-#2, p. 5.
The Schnitzelbank Song (music) (trad. German, arr. S. Williams). Sp.’11, V.16-#1, p 18.
St. Columba (arr. S. Williams), The King of Love My Shepherd Is (music), Su. 06, V.11-#2, p 15.
Schrock, K., May This Child Bring You Joy (music), Su.15, V.20-#2, p. 15.
Warczak, M., The Nurse’s Prayer (music), Su. 03, V.8-#2, pp.9-12.
Williams, S., Adele’s Lament (music), Su. 07, V.12-#2, pp. 6-7.
Williams, S., Ajna (music from "Chakra Suite"), Su.17, V.22-#2, pp. 12-13.
Williams, S. (arr.), All Through the Night (trad. Welsh music), W. ’20-21, V. 25-#4, pp. 9-11.
Williams, S., Appreciation (music), W. '14-15, V.19#4, pp. 12-13.
Williams, S., (arr.) Aura Lee, (G. Poulton & W. Fosdick), F. '23, V. 28-#3, p. 10.
Williams, S., (arr.) The Cuckoo, (trad. English music), F '22, V. 27-#3, pp. 9-11.
Williams, S., Dorian Dream (music), F. '15, V.20#3, pp. 12-13.
Williams, S. (arr.), Epitaph of Seikilos (music) (circa 200 BC-100 AD), Sp. ’09, V.14#1, p. 13.
Williams, S. (arr.), Fais Dodo (music), Sp.19, V.24-#1, pp. 8-9.
Williams, S., Farewell (music), F.17, V.22-#3, pp. 6-7.
Williams, S., Finding Peace (music), Sp.17, V.22-#1, p. 13.
Williams, S., (arr.) Gliding Dance of the Polovetzian Maidens (music), (A. Borodin), Su. '23, V. 28--#2, PP. 10-11.
Williams, S. (arr.) The House of the Rising Sun (trad. music), Su. '19, V.24-#2, pp. 12-13.
Williams, S., Infusion of Love (music), F. '14, V.19#3, pp. 12-13.
Williams, S., Lamentation (music), Su. '20, V. 25-#2, p. 10.
Williams, S. (arr.), Let There Be Peace On Earth (music), F. '20, V. 25-#3, pp. 9-11.
Williams, S., Letting Go (music), W.16-17, V.21-#4, pp. 12-13.
Williams, S., Lough Sheelin (trad. Irish, music), Su. ' 21, V. 26-#2, p. 13,
Williams, S., The Maid of Mourne Shore (trad. Irish music), Sp. ' 22, V. 27-#1, pp. 7-9.
Willims, S., Morning Meditation (music), W. 21-22, V. 26-#4, pp. 8-9.
Williams, S. (arr.), Nortena (music), Sp. '20, V. 25-#1, pp. 8-9.
Williams, S. (arr.), The Parting of Friends (music) (trad. Rory Dall O'Cathain), Sp. '23, V. 28-#1, pp. 10-11.
Williams, S., The Path (music), Su.16, V.21-#2, pp. 6-7.
Williams, S., Reverie (music), Sp.15, V.20-#1, pp. 12-13.
Williams, S., (arr.) Simple Gifts (trad. Shaker hymn music), Su. '22, V. 27-#2, pp. 9-11.
Williams, S., Summer Breeze (music), F.16, V.21-#3, pp. 12-13.
Williams, S., Sweet Dreams (music), Sp. '18, V.23-#1, pp. 6-7.
Williams, S., Veriditas (music), F. '18, V.23-#3, pp. 8-9.
Williams, S. (arr.), Water Medley (trad., music). F. '19, V. 24-#3, pp. 11-13.
Williams, S., (arr.) What the World Needs Now Is Love (music, B. Bacharach), F. '21, Vol. 26-#3, pp. 10-11.
Williams, S., Whippoorwill (music), Sp. '16, V.21#1, pp. 6-7.
Williams, S., Winter Solstice (music). F.’12, V.17-#3, p. 11-13.
Wynn, L., Perfecting the pentatonic for improvisation. W. '14-15. V.19#4, pp. 1, 9-10, 17-18.
Musical Ministries /Meditations
Falls, S., My musical ministry with the harp, Sp. 03, V.8-#1, pp.9, 11.
Galante, G., The Harp and Meditation, F.'97, V.2-#3, p. 5.
Roth, B., Hymns and the Harp - a soothing combination in hospitals, F. '97, V.2-#3, p.4.
Falls, S., My musical ministry with the harp, Sp. 03, V.8-#1, pp.9, 11.
Galante, G., The Harp and Meditation, F.'97, V.2-#3, p. 5.
Roth, B., Hymns and the Harp - a soothing combination in hospitals, F. '97, V.2-#3, p.4.
Mythology / Shamanism / Ancient Traditions and Healers / History
Black, S., St. Brigid and the harp, F. ’05, V.10-#3, pp. 15-16.
Bloom, L., Harp history - part 1; A short history of the early Irish harp, W '22-23, V.27-#4, pp.12-13, 16.
Bloom, L., Harp history - part 2; The last Irish bards, S. '23, V.28-#1, pp.6--9.
Bloom, L., Harp history - part 3; Wayfaring Strangers , the Irish migrations to freedom, Su. '23, V.28-#2, pp.6--9.
Bloom, L. , Harp history - part 4; The Irish harp in America, F. '23, V.28-#3, pp. 11-13, 17-18.
Bloom, L., The harps of ancient Egypt, W. '23-24, V.28-#4, pp. 8-9.
Brown, S., Voice of the Jungle, W. '23-24, V.28-#4, pp. 10-12, 14-15.
Crouthamel, L., Hathor, return to Egypt: In with the new, in with the old, Sp. ’10, V.15-#1, p. 5.
Diaz, G.C., A Small Harp Accompanies A Dance of the little rattlers, Su. 97, V.2-#2, pp. 6-7.
Dunne, C., Harps lost and found, W. ’05-’06, V.10-#4, p. 12.
Dunne, C., Hidden Language of the harp, W. ’05-’06, V.10-#4, pp. 7, 16.
Ediger-Kordzaia, L., Interview with Countess Media Kordzaia, Sp. 00, V.5-#1, pp. 6-7.
Gardiner, M., St. Hildegard of Bingen — the Sybil of the Rhine, F. '10. V. 15-#3, p. 18.
Goldstein, L., A Jewish perspective on healing, W. 14-15, V. 19#4, pp. 5, 7
Gomez, M., Jose Roman De La Cruz -- Tenek harpist, instrument builder, composer and shaman, Su. '97, V.2-#2, pp. 1, 5, 8.
Graff, L, The harp in 18th-century Moravian communities, W. '11-12, V.16-#4, pp. 8-9, 13.
Latzgo, R., Asclepius: Holistic son of Apollo, W. 98, V.3-#4, p. 7.
Lynaugh, J., Adventures in search of Hildegard, F. '14, V.19#3, pp. 14-15.
Martin, J., Music, Medicine and mythology: Harp therapy in the Renaissance, F. 04, V. 9-#3, pp. 7-9, 15-16.
Martin, J. The Celtic Mythic Imagination, music and the three noble strains of Ireland, W. '13-14, V. 18#4, pp. 1, 5, 9, 18, 20.
Melander, L., Harp and soul - soul-tending both ancient and modern with the harp, W. '00, V 5-#4, pp. 6-9, 11-12.
Rudhyar, D., The harp as a cosmic symbol, Sp. '16, V. 21-#1. pp. 9-11, 13-16, 20.
Schwartz, S., On Earth as it is in Heaven, Su.’11, V.16-#2, pp. 5-6.
Williams, S., Ancient Phrygian lyres and harps praised Cybele, Su. '22, V. 27-#2, p. 17.
Williams, S., Apollo, F. 97, V.2-#3, p.12.
Williams, S., Bragi, F. '17, V. 22-#3, p. 20.
Williams, S., Gandharvas, W. '17-18, V. 22-#4, p. 20.
Williams, S., Harps of the Gods, Sp. '14, V. 19#1, pp. 7, 16-18, 20.
Williams, S., In search of the Muses, Su. 01, V.6-#2, pp. 12, 5.
Williams, S., In Search of the Tuatha De Danann, F. 06, V.11-#3, pp. 12-14, 16.
Williams, S., King David, Su. 98, V.3-#2, p.12.
Williams, S., Music for the Pharaohs, W. 96, V.1-#4, p.12.
Williams, S., Past and Present -- Uncovering the musical roots of the Pennsylvania Germans,
Sp.’11, V.16-#1, pp. 10-11, 13-14, 18.
Williams, S., Pow Wow, sympathetic medicine and energetic healing — the alchemy of intention, W.’12-13, V.17-#4, pp. 8-10, 14-16.
Williams, S., Pythagoras of Samos, S. 96, V.1-#2, p. 12.
Williams, S., Sappho, F. 96, V.1-#3, p.12.
Williams, S., Singing Bones, Sp. 00, V.5-#1, p. 12.
Williams, S., Taliesin, Su. 99, V.4-#2, p. 12.
Williams, S., The ch'in of Confucius, F. 99, V.4-#3, p.12.
Williams, S., The Cosmic Harp, W. 97-98, V.2-#4, p.12.
Williams, S., The Druid bards, F.98, V.3-#3, p.12.
Williams, S., The Guiding Light of Lyra, Sp. 97, V.2-#1, p. 16.
Williams, S., The Harp of Dagda, Su. 97, V.2-#2, p. 12.
Williams, S., The harpist of Keros, Sp. 98, V.3-#1, p.12.
Williams, S., The harps and lyres of Ur, Sp. 99, V.4-#1, p.12.
Williams, S., Ode to the plant - revelations in interspecies communication, Su' 22, V. 27-#22, pp. 13-14, 16-18, 20.
Williams, S. Researchers discover resonant ancient megalithic structures produced mind-altering effects, Su. '19, V. 24-#2, pp. 16-17, 20.
Williams, S., The Sacred Harp of Saint Gertrude, Sp. 01, V.6-#1, p. 12.
Williams, S., Saint Columba (Columcille), Su. '06, V.11-#2, pp. 14, 16.
Williams, S., To Hades and Back, Spr. 96, V.1-#1, p.12.
Williams, S., Water Spirits, W. 99, V.4-#4, p.12.
Williams, S., Winged Inspiration, W. ’01, V.6-#4, p.12.
Black, S., St. Brigid and the harp, F. ’05, V.10-#3, pp. 15-16.
Bloom, L., Harp history - part 1; A short history of the early Irish harp, W '22-23, V.27-#4, pp.12-13, 16.
Bloom, L., Harp history - part 2; The last Irish bards, S. '23, V.28-#1, pp.6--9.
Bloom, L., Harp history - part 3; Wayfaring Strangers , the Irish migrations to freedom, Su. '23, V.28-#2, pp.6--9.
Bloom, L. , Harp history - part 4; The Irish harp in America, F. '23, V.28-#3, pp. 11-13, 17-18.
Bloom, L., The harps of ancient Egypt, W. '23-24, V.28-#4, pp. 8-9.
Brown, S., Voice of the Jungle, W. '23-24, V.28-#4, pp. 10-12, 14-15.
Crouthamel, L., Hathor, return to Egypt: In with the new, in with the old, Sp. ’10, V.15-#1, p. 5.
Diaz, G.C., A Small Harp Accompanies A Dance of the little rattlers, Su. 97, V.2-#2, pp. 6-7.
Dunne, C., Harps lost and found, W. ’05-’06, V.10-#4, p. 12.
Dunne, C., Hidden Language of the harp, W. ’05-’06, V.10-#4, pp. 7, 16.
Ediger-Kordzaia, L., Interview with Countess Media Kordzaia, Sp. 00, V.5-#1, pp. 6-7.
Gardiner, M., St. Hildegard of Bingen — the Sybil of the Rhine, F. '10. V. 15-#3, p. 18.
Goldstein, L., A Jewish perspective on healing, W. 14-15, V. 19#4, pp. 5, 7
Gomez, M., Jose Roman De La Cruz -- Tenek harpist, instrument builder, composer and shaman, Su. '97, V.2-#2, pp. 1, 5, 8.
Graff, L, The harp in 18th-century Moravian communities, W. '11-12, V.16-#4, pp. 8-9, 13.
Latzgo, R., Asclepius: Holistic son of Apollo, W. 98, V.3-#4, p. 7.
Lynaugh, J., Adventures in search of Hildegard, F. '14, V.19#3, pp. 14-15.
Martin, J., Music, Medicine and mythology: Harp therapy in the Renaissance, F. 04, V. 9-#3, pp. 7-9, 15-16.
Martin, J. The Celtic Mythic Imagination, music and the three noble strains of Ireland, W. '13-14, V. 18#4, pp. 1, 5, 9, 18, 20.
Melander, L., Harp and soul - soul-tending both ancient and modern with the harp, W. '00, V 5-#4, pp. 6-9, 11-12.
Rudhyar, D., The harp as a cosmic symbol, Sp. '16, V. 21-#1. pp. 9-11, 13-16, 20.
Schwartz, S., On Earth as it is in Heaven, Su.’11, V.16-#2, pp. 5-6.
Williams, S., Ancient Phrygian lyres and harps praised Cybele, Su. '22, V. 27-#2, p. 17.
Williams, S., Apollo, F. 97, V.2-#3, p.12.
Williams, S., Bragi, F. '17, V. 22-#3, p. 20.
Williams, S., Gandharvas, W. '17-18, V. 22-#4, p. 20.
Williams, S., Harps of the Gods, Sp. '14, V. 19#1, pp. 7, 16-18, 20.
Williams, S., In search of the Muses, Su. 01, V.6-#2, pp. 12, 5.
Williams, S., In Search of the Tuatha De Danann, F. 06, V.11-#3, pp. 12-14, 16.
Williams, S., King David, Su. 98, V.3-#2, p.12.
Williams, S., Music for the Pharaohs, W. 96, V.1-#4, p.12.
Williams, S., Past and Present -- Uncovering the musical roots of the Pennsylvania Germans,
Sp.’11, V.16-#1, pp. 10-11, 13-14, 18.
Williams, S., Pow Wow, sympathetic medicine and energetic healing — the alchemy of intention, W.’12-13, V.17-#4, pp. 8-10, 14-16.
Williams, S., Pythagoras of Samos, S. 96, V.1-#2, p. 12.
Williams, S., Sappho, F. 96, V.1-#3, p.12.
Williams, S., Singing Bones, Sp. 00, V.5-#1, p. 12.
Williams, S., Taliesin, Su. 99, V.4-#2, p. 12.
Williams, S., The ch'in of Confucius, F. 99, V.4-#3, p.12.
Williams, S., The Cosmic Harp, W. 97-98, V.2-#4, p.12.
Williams, S., The Druid bards, F.98, V.3-#3, p.12.
Williams, S., The Guiding Light of Lyra, Sp. 97, V.2-#1, p. 16.
Williams, S., The Harp of Dagda, Su. 97, V.2-#2, p. 12.
Williams, S., The harpist of Keros, Sp. 98, V.3-#1, p.12.
Williams, S., The harps and lyres of Ur, Sp. 99, V.4-#1, p.12.
Williams, S., Ode to the plant - revelations in interspecies communication, Su' 22, V. 27-#22, pp. 13-14, 16-18, 20.
Williams, S. Researchers discover resonant ancient megalithic structures produced mind-altering effects, Su. '19, V. 24-#2, pp. 16-17, 20.
Williams, S., The Sacred Harp of Saint Gertrude, Sp. 01, V.6-#1, p. 12.
Williams, S., Saint Columba (Columcille), Su. '06, V.11-#2, pp. 14, 16.
Williams, S., To Hades and Back, Spr. 96, V.1-#1, p.12.
Williams, S., Water Spirits, W. 99, V.4-#4, p.12.
Williams, S., Winged Inspiration, W. ’01, V.6-#4, p.12.
Neurological Effects / Rehabilitation
Barnett, L., Maybe Even I Can Play the Harp, Su.97, V.2-#2, p.4.
Bloom, L., Tailoring harp therapy for neurologically injured patients using the Rancho Los Amigos Scale of Cognitive Functioning, W. 04, V.9-#4, pp. 6, 12.
Bowling, C., A testimonial to the healing power of the harp, Su. 00, V.5-#2, pp. 1, 11-12.
Ediger-Kordzaia, L., Richmond Public Schools Harp Therapy Outreach Program: A case study, Su. 00, V.5-#2, pp. 4, 8-10.
Ediger, L., Healing Harps in a scholastic setting, Sp. 98, V.3-#1, pp.1, 4-5, 9, 11-12.
Ediger, L. & Owens, M., Seizure Disorders: Healing Harps Impact Richmond Public School Harp Student, S. 96, V.1-#2, pp. 5, 10-11.
Marks, L., A life-changing journey, Sp. 05, V.10-#1, pp. 1, 4, 8-9, 11-16.
Rohl, C., Harp aids in stroke recovery, W. 06-07, V.11-#4, pp. 14-16.
Marie, L., Therapeutic harp reaches neurologically challenged children in Canada, Su. 05, V.10-#2, p. 8.
Price, R., Seizure Disorders: Attitude, Acceptance, Awareness Required to Teach These Students, S. 96, V.1-#2, pp. 4, 9.
Williams, S., Humans can hear infrasound. F. '15, V20-#3, p. 18.
Williams, S., An interview with Dr. Ron Price, Sp. 98, V.3-#1, pp. 6-7, 8.
Williams, S., Music Electro-acupuncture - Stimulating music sparks recovery from paralysis, F. 97, V.2-#3, p. 11.
Williams, S., Musicogenic Epilepsy, Su. 05, V.10-#2, pp. 12-13.
Williams, S., Neural network determines music perception, W. 97-98. V.2-#4, p.4.
Williams, S., String Players Show Changes in Cortical Development, S. 96, V.1-#2, pp. 10-11
Williams, S., Therapeutic harp study at Mayo Clinic Health Systems shows positive effects on quality of life, F. '15, V.20-#3, p.18,
Briggs, T., Impact of healing touch with healing harp on inpatient acute care pain, F.'14, V.19#3, pp. 6-7.
Emerson, H., Therapeutic music research - the beginning of a dialogue between art and science, W. 10-11. V. 15-#4, p. 1, 5, 13.
Hepburn, I., VAHT at Hawkesbury & District General Hospital – three case studies, Su. 08, V.13-#2, p. 11, 15.
Hepburn, I., VAHT follows a fork in the road. Su. '13, V. 18- #2, pp. 18, 20.
Hulley,, T., Vibroacoustic Harp Therapy reduces tension/pain in a 10-subject pilot study, Su. 07, V.12-#2, pp. 1, 4-5, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17.
Lounsbury, M., The effects of harp music at Porter Adventist Hospital Cancer Care Center, Denver, Colorado, F. 02, V.7-#3, pp. 4-5, 12.
Tourin, T., The effects of harp therapy at San Diego Hospice and other health-care facilities, F. '00, V.5-#3, pp. 13-14.
Verstappen, S., Slaying the pain demon, W. ’09-10, V.14-#4, pp. 5-7, 16-17.
Williams, S., An interview with Paul Gileno. Su.’12, V.17-#2, pp. 8.
Williams, S., Easing the pain: Patients with Complex regional Pain Syndrome report relief with VAHT. Su.’12, V.17-#2, pp. 9, 15, 18.
Williams, S., Study shows live harp music decrease pain and anxiety in postoperative patients, W. ’02, V.7-#4, p.1.
Williams, S. Zing went the strings of my... Weather affects, body, mind and harp, W. '13-14, V. 18#4, pp. 6-7, 16-17.
Briggs, T., Impact of healing touch with healing harp on inpatient acute care pain, F.'14, V.19#3, pp. 6-7.
Emerson, H., Therapeutic music research - the beginning of a dialogue between art and science, W. 10-11. V. 15-#4, p. 1, 5, 13.
Hepburn, I., VAHT at Hawkesbury & District General Hospital – three case studies, Su. 08, V.13-#2, p. 11, 15.
Hepburn, I., VAHT follows a fork in the road. Su. '13, V. 18- #2, pp. 18, 20.
Hulley,, T., Vibroacoustic Harp Therapy reduces tension/pain in a 10-subject pilot study, Su. 07, V.12-#2, pp. 1, 4-5, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17.
Lounsbury, M., The effects of harp music at Porter Adventist Hospital Cancer Care Center, Denver, Colorado, F. 02, V.7-#3, pp. 4-5, 12.
Tourin, T., The effects of harp therapy at San Diego Hospice and other health-care facilities, F. '00, V.5-#3, pp. 13-14.
Verstappen, S., Slaying the pain demon, W. ’09-10, V.14-#4, pp. 5-7, 16-17.
Williams, S., An interview with Paul Gileno. Su.’12, V.17-#2, pp. 8.
Williams, S., Easing the pain: Patients with Complex regional Pain Syndrome report relief with VAHT. Su.’12, V.17-#2, pp. 9, 15, 18.
Williams, S., Study shows live harp music decrease pain and anxiety in postoperative patients, W. ’02, V.7-#4, p.1.
Williams, S. Zing went the strings of my... Weather affects, body, mind and harp, W. '13-14, V. 18#4, pp. 6-7, 16-17.
Parkinson's Disease
Williams, S., An interview with Dr. Ron Price, Sp. 98, V.3-#1, pp. 6-7, 8.
Williams, S. Patients with Parkinson’s Disease find relief with harp music, Sp. 01, V. 6-#1, pp. 6-7.
Williams, S., An interview with Dr. Ron Price, Sp. 98, V.3-#1, pp. 6-7, 8.
Williams, S. Patients with Parkinson’s Disease find relief with harp music, Sp. 01, V. 6-#1, pp. 6-7.
Pediatric Patients / Newborns
Froehlich, M., Opportunities for the harp with pediatric patients, F. 98, V.3-#4, pp. 10-11.
Norton, J., Harp Care gently touches southwest Missouri, W’ 04, V.9-#4, pp. 1, 4-5, 15.
Stanelsow, S., Live harp music lulls newborns and slows heart rates, Sp. 06, V.11-#1, pp.14-16.
Troxel, M., Harp Sounds and heart rates: Use of therapetuic music and holistic intervention to improve intermediate nursery outcomes, W. '15-16, V. 20-#4, pp. 1, 18.
Froehlich, M., Opportunities for the harp with pediatric patients, F. 98, V.3-#4, pp. 10-11.
Norton, J., Harp Care gently touches southwest Missouri, W’ 04, V.9-#4, pp. 1, 4-5, 15.
Stanelsow, S., Live harp music lulls newborns and slows heart rates, Sp. 06, V.11-#1, pp.14-16.
Troxel, M., Harp Sounds and heart rates: Use of therapetuic music and holistic intervention to improve intermediate nursery outcomes, W. '15-16, V. 20-#4, pp. 1, 18.
Professional Development
Arant, T., PBS visits Palliative Care and Arts in Medicine at Baylor, F. '20, V. 25-#3, pp. 8, 12, 16, 18, 20.
Barthel, M., Creative Arts Team receives NH Governor's Award for Artis in Healthcare - Therapetuic harpist Margaret Stephens among recipients, Sp'18, V. 23-#1, p. 14.
Benson, S., A report on working therapeutic musicians - Sponsored by the NSBTM. Su.’12, V.17-#2, pp.16-18.
Briggs, T., United Nations of Harpists, Su. '21, V. 26-#2, pp. 1, 5.
Brockow, H., Music that heals: A look at therapeutic music practitioners and their training and professional development, Sp. '17, V. 22-#1, pp. 1, 5.
Buchanan, L., What do I play and where do I begin?, F. '99, V.4-#3, p. 9.
Butler, B., Business Basics: Building a referral base, F. 99, V.4-#3, p. 10.
Chapman, B. & Rehder, J., Marketing therapeutic music, Sp. 14, V. 19#1, pp. 12-13.
Charles, R. & Leschied, A., Canadians create a new harp organization, F.’11, V.16-#3, pp. 5, 17, 20.
Christensen, R., Understanding professional liability insurance – A conversation with ABMP, Sp. '20, V. 25-#1, pp. 6-7.
Cotruvo, C., Good vibrations for winter wellness, Su. '20, V. 25-#2, pp. 16-18.
Crowe, B., Historic meeting held in Baltimore, F. 08, V.13-#3, p. 1.
Cox, B.B., Finding new ways, or perhaps the new normal, F. '20, V. 25-#3, pp. 3, 15.
Edelson, L., NSBTM accredits first four training programs, Su. 08, V.13-#2, p. 9.
Elkan, E., Bedside Harp wins Blair L. Sadler International Healing Arts Competition, Su. 05, V. 10-#2, p. 14.
Elkan, E., Getting through the door – How I was hired to work at Robert Wood Johnson Hospital at Hamilton, Su. 02, V.7-#2, pp.1, 4-5.
Elkan, E., Harp therapy in hospitals: A perspective, W. '10-11, V. 15-#4, pp. 6, 8, 11, 13, 16-1, 19-20.
Elkan, E., To hold a moonbeam – a missive to harpists in healthcare, Su. ’09, V.14#2, pp. 6, 11, 13, 19.
Franz, J., Accorda Music-Thanatology Institute launches new traingin program, F. '23, V.28-#3, p. 9.
Price-Glynn, C., Gentle Musings, Sp. 03, V.8-#1, pp.1, 7, 11.
Gubri, M., Expanding VAHT in Europe, W. '22-23, V. 27-#4, pp. 5, 9.
Harvey, A., The science of our art, F. ’09, V.14#3, pp. 10, 16, 20.
Hintze, C., Lyon & Healy West hosts First Harp Therapy Gathering, F. 05, V.10-#3, pp. 1, 14.
Isham, A., LLL - Life Long Learning Therapeutic Musician Group - A worldwide support group for therapeutic musicians. F. '13, V. 18- #3, p. 11, 18.
Jaegly, P., Hope isn’t a plan, F. 07, V.12-#3, p. 4, 20.
Jaegly, P., Top 10 tips for finding paid work, from someone who has more work that she can handle, Sp. 07, V.12-#1, pp. 4,13-14.
Jaegly, P., What is your filter?, Sp. 08, V.13-#1, p. 6.
Kozden, L., Occupational therapy students and the power of harp therapy, Su. '16, V. 21-#2, p. 10, 15.
LaSmith, J., Northern Montana Care Center receives 2015 Montana Health Care Association Innovative Care Award, F. '15, V. 20-#3, pp. 16-17.
Lee, K., The VAHT Home Study Training Course announces its first graduate - A program review, F. '17, V. 22-#3, pp. 8-9.
Libby, C., Taking a chance on harp therapy at Missouri State University, F. 08, V.13-#3, p. 13, 19-20.
Little, M., Therapetuic music skills enhance all performances, F. '17, V. 22-#3, pp. 11, 16
Loeb, C., Live therapeutic music offered at University of Maryland Medical Center and the R. Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center at University of Maryland Medical Center. F. '13, V. 18- #3, p. 8.
Loeb, C., Spreading the good word, F. 06, V.11-#3, pp. 1, 4.
Mell, J., Approaching Hospitals As A Harp Therapist, Sp. 96, V.1-#1, pp. 10-11.
NSBTM, Bylaws of the NSBTM, W. 07-08, V.12-#4, pp. 16-17.
NSBTM, Courses of Study Required by the NSBTM, W. 07-08, V.12-#4, pp. 7, 11.
NSBTM, Frequently asked questions about therapeutic music, W. 07-08, V.12-#4, p. 18.
NSBTM, Mission Statement of the National Standards Board for Therapeutic Musicians, W. 07-08, V.12-#4, p. 5.
NSBTM, The NSBTM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, W. 07-08, V.12-#4, p. 6.
NSBTM, The NSBTM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct for Therapeutic Musician Training Programs, W. 07-08, V.12-#4, p, 9.
NSBTM, Scope of Practice for the Therapeutic Musician, W. 07-08, V.12-#4, p. 5.
Obermeyer, J., It's all about the patients, isn't it? Collaborative, cohesive and constructive interactions with therapeutic harpists and board-cerified music therapists, F. '18, V. 23-#3, pp. 1, 18.
Obermeyer, J., Report of the Therapeutic Harp Foundation research projects. F. '16, V. 21-#3, p. 1, 5, 14, 20.
Obermeyer, J., Therapeutic Harp Foundation, Sp. '19, V. 24-#1, p. 20.
Peck, M., Most everything you need to know about liability insurance, Sp. 06, V.11-#1, pp.11,13.
Peck, M., The art of plucking, Su. 08, V.13-#2. P. 5, 6, 20.
Price, R., Music's powerful contribution to the therapeutic process, W. 97-98, V.2-#4, pp.10-11.
Riley, L., How to avoid misplacing our best intentions, Su. 04, V.9-#2, pp.5-6.
Scheckler, R., Preparing to do healing music by using local resources, F. '00, V.5 -#3, pp. 1, 4, 5, 8-9.
Shaw, S., Nevada, SB 190, provides for licensure of music therapists. F.’12, V.17-#3, pp.6-7.
Sweeney, D., Conservatory curriculum includes harp therapy - An interview with Cynthia Price Glynn. Sp.’12, V.17-#1, pp. 1, 5-7.
Sweeney, D., Conservatory curriculum includes harp therapy, part 2 - An interview with Cynthia Price Glynn. F.’12, V.17-#3, pp. 14, 16-17, 20.
Sweeney, D. Learning to harmonize: Opportunities for music therapists adn therapeutic musiicans to collaborate and cooperate, Sp. '16, V. 21 - #1, p.5.
Sweeney, D., TMs and MTs working together - Successes and challenges, Su. '14, V.19-#2,
pp. 6-7, 9, 11-12.
Sweeney, D., To insure or not to insure, F.’11, V.16-#3, pp. 14, 20.
Tourin, T. A new and successful dimension to harp therapy. Sp. '13, V. 18- #1, pp. 12, 14.
Tourin, T., IHTP continues international outreach, Su. 08, V.13-#2, p. 19.
Tourin, C., The relationship of the AMTA, therapeutic musicianship, sound healing and harp therapy – Reflections from the Nov. 2008, AMTA Conference, Sp. ’09, V.14#1, pp. 6, 8-9.
Ware, A., Intern program at Canberra Hospital update, Sp. '19, V. 24-#1, pp. 17-18, 20.
Ware, A., Merging pastoral care with therapeutic music in Australia. F.’12, V.17-#3, pp.1, 5.
Watters, E., University of VA Health System features a three-tiered music program. Su.’12, V.17-#2, pp. 1, 5.
Whiteley, C., Inaugural Music in Medicine conference held in Geelong, Victoria, Australia. F. '13, V. 18- #3, pp. 1, 5-6.
Williams, S., Atlanta cymatics conference featured harp. W. '15-16, V. 20-#4, p.20.
Williams, S., Boosting one’s practice in hard economic times, Su. ’09, V.14#2, pp. 4-5, 15, 20.
Williams, S., Harping with spirit, Sp. '14, V. 19#1, pp. 10-11.
Williams, S., Healing Harp Symposium Assembles New Generation of Harp Therapists, Spring 96, V.1-#1, pp.1, 10-11.
Williams, S., Healthcare for a song, F.’11, V.16-#3, p. 6.
Williams, S., How to develop a harp therapy program at your hospital, Su. 98, V.3-#2, pp.8-9.
Williams, S., Lynette Edelson, CHTP, receives award for excellence in cancer pain management, W. 06-07, V.11-#4, p. 3.
Williams, S., National Certification Board for Therapeutic Musicians unveils latest developments, Su. 05, V.10-#2, pp. 6-7, 9, 15.
Williams, S., New “Healing Harp Certification Program” opens in Marin, F. 07, V.12-#3, p. 1.
Williams, S., A quarter century later, Sp. '21, V. 26-#1, pp. 6-7, 12-15, 20.
Williams, S., Survey results: The impact of COVID-19 on practices of therapeutic musicians, F. '21, V. 26-#3, pp. 1, 6-7.
Williams, S., Therapeutic Harp Forum hosted by Somerset Folk Harp Festival, F. '15, V.20-#3, p. 20.
Williams, S., The visions of therapeutic music pioneers, W. ’19-20, V. 24-#4, pp. 1, 3, 5-18, 20.
Williams, S., What make a professional? An interview with Barbara Crowe, F. '00, V.5-#3, pp. 6-7.
Williams, S., What’s in a name?, Sp. 06, V.11-#1, pp. 4-5, 7.
Wynn, L., The power of story: Motivate your audience!, Sp.’11, V.16-#1, pp. 1, 5, 7, 15-16, 20.
Zabel, C., MHTP conducts employment survey, Sp. '17, V. 22-#1, p. 6.
Psychological Issues / Mental Illness
Carpenter, C. & Elkan, E., To soothe the savage breast: Music therapists and harp therapists at a psychiatric facility, F. '18, V. 23-#3, pp, 5, 10-12.
Friesem, J., Reaching a diseased mind. Su. '13, V. 18- #2, p.8.
Carpenter, C. & Elkan, E., To soothe the savage breast: Music therapists and harp therapists at a psychiatric facility, F. '18, V. 23-#3, pp, 5, 10-12.
Friesem, J., Reaching a diseased mind. Su. '13, V. 18- #2, p.8.
Science /Cymatics/ Theoretical Models of the Benefits of Music
Bloom, L., Music as medicine, W. '16-17, V. 21-#4, pp. 6-7.
Bloom, L. Treatment challenges of opiate addiction - Could music become the treatment of choice?, W. '17-18, V. 22-#4, pp. 9, 12, 16.
Bloom, L., Vibroacoustic Disease - A look at the effects of low frequency noise and infrasound, F. '17, V. 22-#3, pp. 13-14.
Cymascope Lab, Biocymatics, W. '17-18, V. 22-#4, pp. 6-8.
CymaScope Lab, Testing a Pythagorean 2,500-year old hypothesis: Music can be used in the place of medicine* - Promising initial results. Su. '18; V. 28-#2, p.10.
Cymascope Lab, Testing a 2,500 year-old hypothesis: If music breathes new life into old blood cells, play on!, F. 19, V. 24-#3, pp. 8-10, 14.
Estes, D., The harp as a divine communication tool. F. 98, V.3-#3, pp.6-8, 11.
Guettres, I. Sound effects upon the living, Part 1: Fabien Maman's works on sound effects on cancer cells. F. '16, V. 21-#3, pp. 10-11, 15, 18.
Guettres, I., Sound effects upon the living, Part 2: Singing the living, the proteody, W. '16-17, V. 21, #4, pp. 10-11.
Hero, B., Sacred Geometry of the harp's harmonic curve, W. 98, V.3- #4, p. 12.
Hero, B., Tetra-harp therapy, Sp. 99, V.4-#1, pp. 9, 11.
Milroy, M., Human Biofield measurements before and after VAHT,
W. '13-14, V.18#4, pp. 10-14.
Reid, J., New water memory research may lead to a better understanding of how homeopathy works., Sp. '19, V. 24-#1, p. 12.
Reid, J., The next stage of science and a new age of understanding. F. '13, V. 18- #3, p. 14.
Reid, J. & Reid, A., Rediscovering the art and science of sound therapy, Sp. '17, V. 22-#1, pp. 9-11, 14, 16.
Reid, J., Sound therapy 201-part 1: Biological mechanisms, W. '21-22, V.26-#4. pp. 1, 3, 6-7, 10, 15-16.
Reid, J., Sound therapy 201-part 2: Biological mechanisms, Sp. '22, V.27-#1. pp. 1, 5-6, 12-16.
Reid, J., Specturm analysis reveals the therapeutic efficacy of harp music. Sp. '23, V. 28-#1, p. 15.
Scovel, M., Abstract: Voice analysis and the effects of music, sound and brain gym exercises on children at risk, Sp. 97, V.2-#1, p. 5.
Scovel, M., Melodic Intonation Therapy, Su. 99, V.4-#2, p. 7.
Volk, J., Cymatics Conference unveils sound images, W. 06-07, V.11-#4, pp. 13, 15.
Volk, J., The shape of sounds to come…, Sp. 06, V.11-#1, pp. 8-9.
Volk, J., Sound Health: The Healing Nature of Sound, Sp. 97, V.2-#1, pp. 7, 16. W. 02, V. 7-#4, p.1.
Williams, S., An interview with Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D., W. ’09-10, V.14-#4, pp. 10-11, 17.
Williams, S., An Interview with Dr. Valerie Hunt -- Music permeates vibrational patterns of human energy fields, F. 97, V2-#3, pp.6-7.
Williams, S., An interview with Elizabeth Chen Christenson, M.D., Su. 01, V.6-#2, pp. 6-7, 11.
Williams, S., An interview with Fabien Maman, Su. 98, V.3-#2, pp. 6-7.
Williams, S., An interview with John Stuart Reid, F. 08, V.13-#3, p. 6-7, 9-11, 17.
Williams, S., An interview with Konstantin Korotkov, Ph.D. – Part I, Sp. ’10, V.15-#1, pp. 7, 10-11, 15, 20.
Williams, S., An interview with Konstantin Korotkov, Ph.D. – Part II, Su. ’10, V.15-#2, pp. 8-11.
Williams, S., An interview with Konstantin Korotkov, Ph.D. – Part III, F. ’10, V.15-#3, pp. 8-11, 13-17, 19-20.
Williams, S., An interview with William A. Tilller, F. 03, V.8-#3, pp.6-7.
Williams, S., Answers from the Quantum Field, F. ’09, V.14#3, pp. 6, 17.
Williams, S., Architectural acoustics rediscovered, Sp. 01, V.6-#1, p.5.
Williams, S., Cymaglyphs reveal dolphin language, W. ’09-10, V.14-#4, p. 15.
Williams, S, Effect of specific music on psychoneuroimmunological responses - Exciting new research by Abdul Waheed, David Kossor, William Collins and Amy Camie, Su. '19, V. 24-#2, pp. 1, 5.
Williams, S., Enlightening sound, W.’11-12, V.16-#4, pp. 6, 12, 16-17.
Williams, S., Harp beat affects heartbeat, Sp. 06, V.11-#1, pp.1,12.
Williams, S., Harmonic Resonance Theory - An interview with Steven Lehar, Ph.D., Sp.’12, V.17-#1, pp. 8-9, 12-13, 20.
Williams, S., Interspecies communication: Vibration, sound and music - the universal language, W. '18-19, V. 23-#4, pp. 8-11, 18, 20.
Williams, S., Nerve pulses theorized to be sound pulses, W. 07-08, V.12-#4, p. 15.
Williams, S., 'Music eggs' beat others, Su.’11, V.16-#2, p. 20.
Williams, S., Music for sleep, Sp. '18, V. 23-#1, pp 5, 7, 10, 18.
Williams, S., Music hath charms…, W. 01, V.6-#4, p.9.
Williams, S., Musical Muscles, Su. 97, V.2-#2, p.10.
Williams, S., Music works as well as food and sex, W. 01, V.6-#4, p.12.
Williams, S., Random number generator demonstration suggests harp music plus intention influences sacred space, Su. ’09, V.14#2, pp. 8, 10, 15.
Williams, S., Researchers discover resonant ancient megalithic structures produced mind-altering effects, Su. '19, V. 24-#2, pp. 16-17, 20.
Williams, S., Sounds that don't heal: Sonic warfare, W. '17-18, V. 22-#4, pp. 13-14.
Williams, S., Viewing the human biofield - An interview with Thornton Streeter, D.Sc., F. '16, V. 21-#3, pp. 6-7, 9.
Self Care
Anderson, N., Harp and Yoga: Reaching new depths in integrative holistic wellness practice, Su. '19, V. 24-#2, pp. 14-15.
Brockow, H., Back in action - Preventing therapy harp-related injuries, Sp. '18, V. 23-#1, pp. 12-13, 20.
Chapman, B., Self-Care for the Caregiver: Tai Chi. Sp.’12, V.17-#1, pp. 10-11.
Collins, M., Yoga for the harpist, Sp. 03, V.8-#1, pp.4-5, 8.
Elkan, E., The Alexander technique, W. 98, V.3-#4, pp. 4-5, 8.
Evans, A., Body mapping for musicians, Sp. 08, V.13-#1, p. 11, 16.
Leschied, A., What happens once a harp therapist receives a needed harp transfusion?, W. 04, V.9-#4, pp. 11, 13.
Smith, H., Qigong, your harp and you. F. '15, V. 20-#3, pp. 14-15.
Sweeney, D., Earplugs to prevent jet lag fatigue? What a concept! Su. '13, V. 18- #2, pp. 16-17.
Sweeney, D., Earplugs to prevent jet lag fatigue? What a concept! - Part 2, Sp. '14, V. 19- #1,
p. 9.
Williams, S., An interview with William A. Tilller, F. 03, V.8-#3, pp.6-7.
Williams, S., Avoiding energy depletion, Sp. 08, V.13-#1, p. 5, 7, 9.
Williams, S., Influenza bugs therapeutic musicians. Sp. '13, V. 18- #1, pp. 6, 11, 15-18, 20.
Williams, S., Inspirations, F.'17, V. 22-#3, p. 18.
Williams, S., Self Care for the body-harp. Su. '18, V.28-#2, pp. 12-13.
Anderson, N., Harp and Yoga: Reaching new depths in integrative holistic wellness practice, Su. '19, V. 24-#2, pp. 14-15.
Brockow, H., Back in action - Preventing therapy harp-related injuries, Sp. '18, V. 23-#1, pp. 12-13, 20.
Chapman, B., Self-Care for the Caregiver: Tai Chi. Sp.’12, V.17-#1, pp. 10-11.
Collins, M., Yoga for the harpist, Sp. 03, V.8-#1, pp.4-5, 8.
Elkan, E., The Alexander technique, W. 98, V.3-#4, pp. 4-5, 8.
Evans, A., Body mapping for musicians, Sp. 08, V.13-#1, p. 11, 16.
Leschied, A., What happens once a harp therapist receives a needed harp transfusion?, W. 04, V.9-#4, pp. 11, 13.
Smith, H., Qigong, your harp and you. F. '15, V. 20-#3, pp. 14-15.
Sweeney, D., Earplugs to prevent jet lag fatigue? What a concept! Su. '13, V. 18- #2, pp. 16-17.
Sweeney, D., Earplugs to prevent jet lag fatigue? What a concept! - Part 2, Sp. '14, V. 19- #1,
p. 9.
Williams, S., An interview with William A. Tilller, F. 03, V.8-#3, pp.6-7.
Williams, S., Avoiding energy depletion, Sp. 08, V.13-#1, p. 5, 7, 9.
Williams, S., Influenza bugs therapeutic musicians. Sp. '13, V. 18- #1, pp. 6, 11, 15-18, 20.
Williams, S., Inspirations, F.'17, V. 22-#3, p. 18.
Williams, S., Self Care for the body-harp. Su. '18, V.28-#2, pp. 12-13.
Surgery /Operating Room/ Cardiac Catheterization
Buchanan, L., Harp Debuts in O.R., S. 96, V.1-#2, pp. 1,8,10.
Williams, S., Harp at Heart Hospital of New Mexico – an interview with Paul Levy, MD and Sue Hoadley, CMP, W. 08-09, V.13-#4, p. 10-11, 15.
Williams, S., Harp beat affects heartbeat, Sp. 06, V.11-#1, pp.1,12.
Buchanan, L., Harp Debuts in O.R., S. 96, V.1-#2, pp. 1,8,10.
Williams, S., Harp at Heart Hospital of New Mexico – an interview with Paul Levy, MD and Sue Hoadley, CMP, W. 08-09, V.13-#4, p. 10-11, 15.
Williams, S., Harp beat affects heartbeat, Sp. 06, V.11-#1, pp.1,12.
Bloom, L., My experience with vibroacoustic harp therapy, Sp. 02, V. 7-#1, p.5.
Williams, S., Subjective responses to vibroacoustic harp therapy. F. '00, V.5-#3, p.10.
Williams, S., Synaesthesia C another experience of sound, Su. 01, V.6-#2, pp 4-5.
Bloom, L., My experience with vibroacoustic harp therapy, Sp. 02, V. 7-#1, p.5.
Williams, S., Subjective responses to vibroacoustic harp therapy. F. '00, V.5-#3, p.10.
Williams, S., Synaesthesia C another experience of sound, Su. 01, V.6-#2, pp 4-5.
Therapeutic Tools / Techniques
Bloom, L., Tailoring harp therapy for neurologically injured patients using the Rancho Los Amigos Scale of Cognitive Functioning, W. 04, V.9-#4, pp. 6, 12.
Faires, J., Combining Reiki with the harp, Sp. 14, V. 19#1, p. 6.
Furr, L., Tuning meditation, Sp. '17, V. 22-#1, pp. 7, 15.
Guettres, I., Taming the dragon, A tale from behind my harp, Sp. '17, V. 22-#1, p 12.
Latzgo, R., Melody A La Mode, F. 96, V.1-#3, pp. 5, 11.
Leschied, A., Song and dance for dad, Su. 06, V.11-#2, pp. 6, 13.
Lynaugh, J., Therapeutic music and the small wire harp. F. '13, V. 18- #3, pp. 12, 17.
Miranda, C., Harp therapy with symbols. W. '16-16, V.20-#4, pp. 12-13.
Rogoff, J., Deep love, F.’11, V.16-#3, p. 10.
Schermer, V., A double-strung harp in the hospital setting, Sp. '13, V. 18- #1, pp. 1, 5, 7.
Smith, J., The perfect mode. Su. '13, V. 18- #2, pp 6-7, 9, 11.
Sweeney, D., Taking the struggle out of memorizing, W. 08-09, V.13-#4, p. 13, 16, 19-20.
Sweeney, D., Change your physiology, change your state - NLP thinking model. W' '15-16, V. 20-#4, pp. 15-17.
Tourin, C., Five important qualities of individualized therapeutic music. W.02, V.7-#4, pp.7-13.
Tourin, T., The body as teacher, Su. 98, V.3-#2, p. 4.
Tourin, T., The effects of harp therapy at San Diego Hospice and other health-care facilities, F. '00, V.5-#3, pp. 13-14.
Ware, A., Cultivating a therapeutic relationship with patients. Su. '16, V. 21-#2, pp. 16-17.
Williams, S., An interview with Angi Bemiss, Su. 07, V.12-#2, pp. 12, 14, 16-18.
Wynn, L., Perfecting the pentatonic for improvisation, W. '14-15, V.19#4, pp. 1, 9-10, 17-18.
Bloom, L., Tailoring harp therapy for neurologically injured patients using the Rancho Los Amigos Scale of Cognitive Functioning, W. 04, V.9-#4, pp. 6, 12.
Faires, J., Combining Reiki with the harp, Sp. 14, V. 19#1, p. 6.
Furr, L., Tuning meditation, Sp. '17, V. 22-#1, pp. 7, 15.
Guettres, I., Taming the dragon, A tale from behind my harp, Sp. '17, V. 22-#1, p 12.
Latzgo, R., Melody A La Mode, F. 96, V.1-#3, pp. 5, 11.
Leschied, A., Song and dance for dad, Su. 06, V.11-#2, pp. 6, 13.
Lynaugh, J., Therapeutic music and the small wire harp. F. '13, V. 18- #3, pp. 12, 17.
Miranda, C., Harp therapy with symbols. W. '16-16, V.20-#4, pp. 12-13.
Rogoff, J., Deep love, F.’11, V.16-#3, p. 10.
Schermer, V., A double-strung harp in the hospital setting, Sp. '13, V. 18- #1, pp. 1, 5, 7.
Smith, J., The perfect mode. Su. '13, V. 18- #2, pp 6-7, 9, 11.
Sweeney, D., Taking the struggle out of memorizing, W. 08-09, V.13-#4, p. 13, 16, 19-20.
Sweeney, D., Change your physiology, change your state - NLP thinking model. W' '15-16, V. 20-#4, pp. 15-17.
Tourin, C., Five important qualities of individualized therapeutic music. W.02, V.7-#4, pp.7-13.
Tourin, T., The body as teacher, Su. 98, V.3-#2, p. 4.
Tourin, T., The effects of harp therapy at San Diego Hospice and other health-care facilities, F. '00, V.5-#3, pp. 13-14.
Ware, A., Cultivating a therapeutic relationship with patients. Su. '16, V. 21-#2, pp. 16-17.
Williams, S., An interview with Angi Bemiss, Su. 07, V.12-#2, pp. 12, 14, 16-18.
Wynn, L., Perfecting the pentatonic for improvisation, W. '14-15, V.19#4, pp. 1, 9-10, 17-18.
Tinnitus / Hyperacusis
Williams, S., Strains for the ears – tinnitus and hyperacusis, Su. 04, V.9-#2, pp. 4,15-16.
Williams, S., Strains for the ears – tinnitus and hyperacusis, Su. 04, V.9-#2, pp. 4,15-16.
Benson, S., Report on the VAHT Training Course, Su. 08, V.13-#2, p. 18.
Bewley, A., First Vibroacoustic Harp Therapy Training Course held in spring, Su. 06, V.11-#2, pp. 5, 9, 11.
Bloom, L., My experience with vibroacoustic harp therapy, Sp. 02, V. 7-#1, p.5.
Cauffman, J., Good grief! - An experience of VAHT. Sp.’12, V.17-#1, pp. 14-15.
Dallas-Feeney, S., Pilot study demonstrates positive effects of vibroacoustic harp therapy on heart rate variability, Sp. 04, V.9-#1, pp.1, 4, 6, -7, 9.
Diamond, C. & Hepburn, I., Vibroacoustic Harp Therapy demonstrated at Canadian Hospital, W. ’05-’06, V.10-#4, p. 15.
DiSaverio, M., Vibroacoustic harp therapy opens doors to inner self, F. 99' V.4-#3, p. 11.
Genco, T., Attunement of the human system with VAHT, F. '16, V. 21-#3, pp. 16-17.
Geras, S., My story of healing with VAHT. Su. '17, V. 22-#2, p. 8.
Hepburn, I., A VAHT journey into MS. Su.’12, V.17-#2, pp.10, 14, 20.
Hepburn, I., A VAHT pilot study – one year later (a funny thing happened on the way), Sp. ’09, V.14#1, pp. 19-20.
Hepburn, I., Hawkesbury General Hospital announces VAHT program, Su. 07, V.12-#2, p. 15.
Hepburn, I., Pilot study - the effects of VAHT on fibromyalgia, F. 08, V. 13-#3, p.16.
Hepburn, I., VAHT at Hawkesbury & District General Hospital – three case studies, Su. 08, V.13-#2, p. 11, 15.
Hepburn, I., VAHT featured on Canadian broadcast, W. 07-08, V.12-#4, p. 15.
Hepburn, I., VAHT follows a fork in the road. Su. '13, V. 18- #2, pp. 18, 20.
Hulley,, T., Vibroacoustic Harp Therapy reduces tension/pain in a 10-subject pilot study, Su. 07, V.12-#2, pp. 1, 4-5, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17.
Little, M., VAHT opens doors to the inner core, Su,'19, V. 24-#2, p. 10.
Kunkel, K., VAHT helps a trigeminal neuralgia sufferer. F.’12, V.17-#3, p. 10, 15.
Leschied, A., Interactive VAHT, F. 07, V.12-#3, p. 9, 11, 14.
Leschied, A., VAHT in southwestern Ontario, Su. ’09, V.14#2, p. 7, 9.
Marie, L. Anxiety and VAHT. W.'15-16, V.20-#4, pp., 10-11, 14.
Marie, L., VAHT and warts? Why not?, W. '18-19, V. 23-#4, p. 13.
Marie, L., VAHT presentation enlightens counselors, F. 07, V.12-#3, pp. 15, 18.
Miller, S., Vibroacoustic harp therapy offered for veterans in Pittsburgh, F'22, V. 27-#3, pp. 1, 12-13, 15.
Stevens, M., A truly portable VAHT system, W. '14-15, V.19#4, pp. 11, 14.
Stevens , M., VAHT is offered in a nursing home, Sp. '13, V. 18- #1, pp. 8-9.
Stevens, M., Vibroacoustic Harp Therapy in a long-term care center, Su. '20, V. 25-#2, p. 15.
Stevens, M. Study of vibroacoustic therapeutic music on long-term care residents, W. '23-24, V.28-#4, p. 16.
Stowe, K., VAHT provides stress reduction for staff at Bon Secours Depaul Medical Center, Sp. 18, V. 23-#1, p. 6.
Tan, C., My journey to VAHT, Sp. '19, V. 24-#1, pp. 13-14, 16
Van Den Bosshe. C., A virtual VAHT practicum brings interesting insights, W. 21-22, #26-#4, pp. 14-15.
Williams, S., An interview with Dr. Robert Roeshman, D.O., Su.’11, V.16-#2, pp. 8-10.
Williams, S., Easing the pain: Patients with Complex regional Pain Syndrome report relief with VAHT. Su.’12, V.17-#2, pp. 9, 15, 18.
Williams, S., Harpists Give Good Vibrations - A Harp Therapy Update on Vibroacoustic Harp Therapy, Sp. 97, V.2-#1, p. 6.
Williams, S., Subjective responses to vibroacoustic harp therapy. F. '00, V.5-#3, p.10.
Williams, S., Synaesthesia - another experience of sound, Su. 01, V.6-#2, pp 4-5.
Williams, S., VAHT demonstration lightens the load for a cancer survivor. W.’12-13, V.17-#4, pp. 11-12.
Williams, S., The VAHT Home Study Training Course announces new trainer F. '20, V. 25-#3, p. 20.
Williams, S., VAHT offered in a primary care setting - An interview with Warren Ross, M.D. Su. '13, V. 18- #2, pp. 1, 5, 15.
Williams, S., VAHT practitioners develop sound practices, W. '10-11, V.15-#4, pp.7, 9-10.
Benson, S., Report on the VAHT Training Course, Su. 08, V.13-#2, p. 18.
Bewley, A., First Vibroacoustic Harp Therapy Training Course held in spring, Su. 06, V.11-#2, pp. 5, 9, 11.
Bloom, L., My experience with vibroacoustic harp therapy, Sp. 02, V. 7-#1, p.5.
Cauffman, J., Good grief! - An experience of VAHT. Sp.’12, V.17-#1, pp. 14-15.
Dallas-Feeney, S., Pilot study demonstrates positive effects of vibroacoustic harp therapy on heart rate variability, Sp. 04, V.9-#1, pp.1, 4, 6, -7, 9.
Diamond, C. & Hepburn, I., Vibroacoustic Harp Therapy demonstrated at Canadian Hospital, W. ’05-’06, V.10-#4, p. 15.
DiSaverio, M., Vibroacoustic harp therapy opens doors to inner self, F. 99' V.4-#3, p. 11.
Genco, T., Attunement of the human system with VAHT, F. '16, V. 21-#3, pp. 16-17.
Geras, S., My story of healing with VAHT. Su. '17, V. 22-#2, p. 8.
Hepburn, I., A VAHT journey into MS. Su.’12, V.17-#2, pp.10, 14, 20.
Hepburn, I., A VAHT pilot study – one year later (a funny thing happened on the way), Sp. ’09, V.14#1, pp. 19-20.
Hepburn, I., Hawkesbury General Hospital announces VAHT program, Su. 07, V.12-#2, p. 15.
Hepburn, I., Pilot study - the effects of VAHT on fibromyalgia, F. 08, V. 13-#3, p.16.
Hepburn, I., VAHT at Hawkesbury & District General Hospital – three case studies, Su. 08, V.13-#2, p. 11, 15.
Hepburn, I., VAHT featured on Canadian broadcast, W. 07-08, V.12-#4, p. 15.
Hepburn, I., VAHT follows a fork in the road. Su. '13, V. 18- #2, pp. 18, 20.
Hulley,, T., Vibroacoustic Harp Therapy reduces tension/pain in a 10-subject pilot study, Su. 07, V.12-#2, pp. 1, 4-5, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17.
Little, M., VAHT opens doors to the inner core, Su,'19, V. 24-#2, p. 10.
Kunkel, K., VAHT helps a trigeminal neuralgia sufferer. F.’12, V.17-#3, p. 10, 15.
Leschied, A., Interactive VAHT, F. 07, V.12-#3, p. 9, 11, 14.
Leschied, A., VAHT in southwestern Ontario, Su. ’09, V.14#2, p. 7, 9.
Marie, L. Anxiety and VAHT. W.'15-16, V.20-#4, pp., 10-11, 14.
Marie, L., VAHT and warts? Why not?, W. '18-19, V. 23-#4, p. 13.
Marie, L., VAHT presentation enlightens counselors, F. 07, V.12-#3, pp. 15, 18.
Miller, S., Vibroacoustic harp therapy offered for veterans in Pittsburgh, F'22, V. 27-#3, pp. 1, 12-13, 15.
Stevens, M., A truly portable VAHT system, W. '14-15, V.19#4, pp. 11, 14.
Stevens , M., VAHT is offered in a nursing home, Sp. '13, V. 18- #1, pp. 8-9.
Stevens, M., Vibroacoustic Harp Therapy in a long-term care center, Su. '20, V. 25-#2, p. 15.
Stevens, M. Study of vibroacoustic therapeutic music on long-term care residents, W. '23-24, V.28-#4, p. 16.
Stowe, K., VAHT provides stress reduction for staff at Bon Secours Depaul Medical Center, Sp. 18, V. 23-#1, p. 6.
Tan, C., My journey to VAHT, Sp. '19, V. 24-#1, pp. 13-14, 16
Van Den Bosshe. C., A virtual VAHT practicum brings interesting insights, W. 21-22, #26-#4, pp. 14-15.
Williams, S., An interview with Dr. Robert Roeshman, D.O., Su.’11, V.16-#2, pp. 8-10.
Williams, S., Easing the pain: Patients with Complex regional Pain Syndrome report relief with VAHT. Su.’12, V.17-#2, pp. 9, 15, 18.
Williams, S., Harpists Give Good Vibrations - A Harp Therapy Update on Vibroacoustic Harp Therapy, Sp. 97, V.2-#1, p. 6.
Williams, S., Subjective responses to vibroacoustic harp therapy. F. '00, V.5-#3, p.10.
Williams, S., Synaesthesia - another experience of sound, Su. 01, V.6-#2, pp 4-5.
Williams, S., VAHT demonstration lightens the load for a cancer survivor. W.’12-13, V.17-#4, pp. 11-12.
Williams, S., The VAHT Home Study Training Course announces new trainer F. '20, V. 25-#3, p. 20.
Williams, S., VAHT offered in a primary care setting - An interview with Warren Ross, M.D. Su. '13, V. 18- #2, pp. 1, 5, 15.
Williams, S., VAHT practitioners develop sound practices, W. '10-11, V.15-#4, pp.7, 9-10.
Vibration / Vibrational Therapies / VAT
Bloom, L., The Latest Vibrations, W. ’20-21, V. 25-#4, pp. 12-13, 15-16, 20.
Chesky, K. & Michel, D., Music and Music Vibration for Pain Relief, Sp. '97, V.2-#1, pp. 1, 11-13, 15.
McAlister, S., Are we in tune with wound healing?, F. 08, V.13-#3, p. 5, 15.
Miranda, C. & Deane, B., Using resonant tone for homeostasis in the hemodialysis room, Su. '15, V.20#2, pp. 1, 5, 12-14.
Reid, J. S., Pitch Battles – Does pitch really affect our physiology?, Sp. '20, V. 25-#1, pp. 11-17.
Scovel, M., Voice Analysis and the Vibrasound Massage Table, Sp. '97, V.2-#1, pp. 4-5.
Sell, M., Rx: Vibroacoustic Therapy, Sp. '00, V.5-#1, pp. 4-5.
Williams, S., An interview with Lee Bartel, Ph.D. Sp. '13, V. 18- #1, pp. 10-11.
Williams, S., A visit with Dr. Jeffrey Thompson, Su. 04, V.9-#2, p.11-13.
Williams, S., Flower power- Frequencies of floral essences aid in emotional healing, Sp. '15, V. 20-#1, pp. 14-17.
Williams, S., Interview with Olav Skille - Vibroacoustic Therapy, Sp. '97, V.2-#1, pp. 8-10, 14.
Williams, S., The Cat- a purrfect vibrotactile device, W. '10, V.15-#4, p.18.
Williams, S., Vibrational therapy for astronauts could prevent bone loss, W. 01, V.6-#4, p.11.
Williams, S., Histotripsy - a new sound therapy, W. '23-24, V.28-#4, p. 15.
Bloom, L., The Latest Vibrations, W. ’20-21, V. 25-#4, pp. 12-13, 15-16, 20.
Chesky, K. & Michel, D., Music and Music Vibration for Pain Relief, Sp. '97, V.2-#1, pp. 1, 11-13, 15.
McAlister, S., Are we in tune with wound healing?, F. 08, V.13-#3, p. 5, 15.
Miranda, C. & Deane, B., Using resonant tone for homeostasis in the hemodialysis room, Su. '15, V.20#2, pp. 1, 5, 12-14.
Reid, J. S., Pitch Battles – Does pitch really affect our physiology?, Sp. '20, V. 25-#1, pp. 11-17.
Scovel, M., Voice Analysis and the Vibrasound Massage Table, Sp. '97, V.2-#1, pp. 4-5.
Sell, M., Rx: Vibroacoustic Therapy, Sp. '00, V.5-#1, pp. 4-5.
Williams, S., An interview with Lee Bartel, Ph.D. Sp. '13, V. 18- #1, pp. 10-11.
Williams, S., A visit with Dr. Jeffrey Thompson, Su. 04, V.9-#2, p.11-13.
Williams, S., Flower power- Frequencies of floral essences aid in emotional healing, Sp. '15, V. 20-#1, pp. 14-17.
Williams, S., Interview with Olav Skille - Vibroacoustic Therapy, Sp. '97, V.2-#1, pp. 8-10, 14.
Williams, S., The Cat- a purrfect vibrotactile device, W. '10, V.15-#4, p.18.
Williams, S., Vibrational therapy for astronauts could prevent bone loss, W. 01, V.6-#4, p.11.
Williams, S., Histotripsy - a new sound therapy, W. '23-24, V.28-#4, p. 15.